domingo, 6 de setembro de 2009

Do you speaking English?

Do you speaking english?
Nowadays is common speaking at least two languages that can be english, spanish, deutsche, french or anyone.
Wherever, is important that people learning other language beyond your mother-tongue.
And, why? Because the companies are more and more demanding these commands. The candidate must be up to date, engaged and able to work in group and solve problems quickly.

At this, I think that is important to show another words and sentences that will can help you in this moments. Are you ready? So, let´s go!

Days of week:
Sunday: Domingo
Monday: Segunda-feira
Tuesday: Terça-feira
Wednesday: Quarta-feira
Thursday: Quinta-feira
Friday: Sexta-feira
Saturday: Sábado

In the phone

The line is busy: A linha está ocupada
Hang up: Desligar o telefone
Hang up on someone: Desligar o telefone na cara de alguém.
Pick up the phone: Atender o telefone
Cut you off: Quando a linha telefônica pára de funcionar enquanto a pessoa falava ao telefone.
Sure. Hold on = Just a minute, please = Hang on, please = Hold a second, please. (Um momento, por favor).
Let me see if he is in. (Deixe-me ver se ele está)
Sorry, he is not in. (Desculpe, ele não está).
May take a message? (Poderia anotar um (a) recado mensagem?)
Would you like to leave a message? (Gostaria de deixar um (a) recado/ mensagem?)
May I leave a message? (Eu posso deixar um(a) recado/ mensagem?)
Can you take a message? (Você poderia pegar um(a) recado/ mensagem?).
I´ll call later/ return later (Eu ligo mais tarde/ Retorno depois).
I´ll call back tomorrow (Eu ligo de volta amanhã).

Inviting people
Are you free on Sunday afternoon? Would you like to go to the movies?
Do you have any plans for Saturday? Would you like to come to a party?

Sure. I´d love to
Sure. I´m in!

Planning when and where to meet
Meet me outside the mall at 4 p.m.
Let´s meet in front of the Theater at 7 p.m.

Refusing and justifying
I´d love, but I can´t. I have to work this weekend.
I´d love ti, but I can´t make it. Maybe next time.
Sorry, I can´t. I already have plans for Saturday.

General Sentences
wake up later: acordar tarde/ atrasado
have to breakfast: tomar café da manhã
have to lunch: Almoçar
have to dinner: jantar
work hardly: trabalhar duro
watch TV: assistir TV
have a important meeting: ter uma reunião importante
reply e-mails: responder e-mails
send e-mails: enviar e-mails
get dressed: vestir-se rapidamente
left the house: sair de casa
I´m not feeling well: Eu não estou me sentindo bem
I feel sick: Eu me sinto doente
I´m feeling weak. Eu me sinto fraco

Seasons (Estações)

Spring (primavera)
Summer (verão)
Autumn/ Fall (outuno)
Winter (inverno)

Weather (Clima)

sunny: ensolarado
warm: temperatura agradável
hot: quente
cloudy: nublado
rainy: chuvoso
windy: ventania
cool: fresco
cold: frio
foggy: serração, neblina
snowy: nevando

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